David Hill

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My target 122 kms

No more excuses

If ever there was a fundraiser made for me right now, it's this one - Walk the Walk!

I've been procrastinating about doing more exercise for my own mental health, and walking to work is one I've had in mind. All the excuses - it's too hot, I'll get to work sweaty, I'm running late - suddenly take a back seat when you're doing it to raise money for an amazing organisation like Orange Sky Australia.

Working in the Housing and Homelessness sector with Q Shelter, I hear about the practical but transformative things Orange Sky do for everyday Australians sleeping rough. Not only that, I see them at 8am on my way to work as I walk past the team on Wickham Terrace helping people their with access to washing facilities, coffee, food and really importantly, conversation.

No more excuses - I'm walking 122km in March to help Orange Sky support the 122,000 Australians (20,000 of those in Queensland) experiencing homelessness right now.

Join me, sign up, donate, volunteer.

I'm walking for the 122,000 Australians experiencing homelessness

Right now, there are 122,000 Australians experiencing homelessness. That's 1 in 210 people.

This March, I will be taking part in Walk the Walk and going the distance for the 122,000 people doing it tough in our community.

I'm walking to raise funds for Orange Sky's vital work providing connection through clean laundry, warm showers, and genuine conversation.

Please support my walk to positively connect communities and support people who need it the most.

Together, we can show Aussies experiencing homelessness they're not alone. 

My Impact

17 people helped

I've raised $410 so far to provide clean laundry, warm showers and genuine conversation to 17 people experiencing homelessness in our community.

My Achievements

My pledge to help people experiencing homelessness

Uploaded My Profile Picture

Shared My Page

Raised $24 to help 1 person doing it tough

Raised $72 to help 3 people doing it tough

Raised $120 to help 5 people doing it tough

Raised $240 to help 10 people doing it tough

Halfway To My Fundraising Goal

Reached My Fundraising Goal

Logged My First Activity

Halfway To My Distance Goal

Reached My Distance Goal

Thanks to my supporters!



Get walking.



Go get ‘em Hillsy. 👏🏼





Go Hillsy!!!


David Hill


Jessica Pragnell

Have a great walk Dave 👍🏼



Go Hillsy!!


Alex Edney

You already walk your talk, so might as well walk the walk too!